About Us

Our teaching principles.


Target conceptual understanding

Our teaching philosophy targets conceptual understanding rather than memorization. We help students uncover the concepts underlying the material, through logical proof to form the foundations for true understanding. Our teaching methods lead students to identify conceptual connections and build on patterns that lead to lifelong aptitude in mathematics and quantitative reasoning overall. 

Provide individualized instruction

We provide individually tailored instruction. To ensure success for each student, we organize the subject matter in a way that allows students to engage with past experience and use self-discovery by looking at alternative methods for solving problems. Our goal is to ensure that every student, regardless of prior knowledge and learning style, can be successful in learning mathematics.

Foster critical thinking and application

We facilitate learning through critical thinking tasks so that students are able to discover solutions to their questions and identify errors in the future. We believe that every student is capable of learning math. We seek to shape our students’ mindsets towards math so that they find it positive, rewarding, and useful. We provide students with opportunities to connect their knowledge with the real world, showing them that they’re not simply learning isolated skills. 


About our founder

Lyana Gordon, founder of Power Math Tutoring, has been teaching math and physics for over 20 years in the US and abroad. She has experience teaching in both the public and private school systems in California, as well as years of private tutoring experience. She has a Master’s degree in physics and a math teaching credential from University of California, Irvine. She has taught thousands of students and helped them achieve their math goals.

Lyana focuses on building a holistic, sustainable understanding — she believes that math should be pursued in a way that drives true understanding rather than rote memorization, and her teaching philosophies reflect that — by building upon strong foundations and giving insightful, powerful building blocks, her students gain a level of mastery that extends beyond just the classroom.